Located on the inlet of the majestic Pacific Ocean, the city of Seattle is more prone to environmental damage than anywhere else in the world.
The beauty of Seattle also deserves to be preserved more than anything. To do that, the businesses in the city need to adopt a strict environmental conservation policy. The business should actively try to reduce waste as much as possible, especially the waste that can pollute the ocean.
Being home to big names like Amazon, Starbucks, Microsoft Corporation, Alaska Airlines, etc. The beautiful city is Seattle is hosting many businesses that can potentially produce a lot of paper waste.
The solution to this problem in Seattle is unarguably the Managed Print Services.
A Managed Print Service is a service provided by an external service provider to a company to organize its printing fleet.
A Managed Print Service optimizes the printing environment of a company by reorganizing, rearranging, reconfiguring, and redesigning their printing fleet.
Managed Print Services will reduce the paper waste of the companies who will hire their services by professionally managing and maintaining their print environment and resources. They will be responsible for restocking the supplies such as paper and inks, so they will keep a check on the consumption and will supply only the amount that is essentially required to keep the operation running.
They will do it by accessing the printing patterns and printing needs of the company and then providing a solution that will suit them best to their requirements.
And since the printing environment will be optimized for the best performance, there will be a reduced waste. All the machinery will be working properly and having the most suitable supplies.
Moreover, MPS will also give companies more control over what they print, how much they print, and how they should be printing.